Studio News

Essential Equipment for Your Home Pilates Workout​

The blog text highlights the essential items needed for a home Pilates workout, including a Pilates Sissel Ball, Magic Circle, Theraband, and a good thick mat. It emphasizes the importance of these tools in enhancing workouts, challenging the body effectively, and achieving fitness goals with comfort and ease. Additionally, it

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6 months

Healthy food!

The Let’s Bloom program offers a transformative 6-month journey towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Participants gather every other week for informative lunch meetings in our welcoming studio or online, where they delve into key topics like diet trends, menopause, and nutrition. With personalized nutrition plans, supportive WhatsApp groups, and

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Essential Reading for Aspiring Pilates Instructors: Building Your Library for Success

For aspiring Pilates trainers, several essential books provide in-depth knowledge of Pilates methodology, anatomy, and the founder, Joseph Pilates. „Pilates Anatomy“ explores the anatomical principles behind exercises, while „Pilates‘ Return to Life Through Contrology“ delves into Joseph Pilates‘ original teachings. „Caged Lion“ offers a biography of Pilates, enriching understanding of

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Healthy lifestyle

Discovering Pilates: A Path to Health, Strength, and Balance

Discovering Pilates: A Path to Health, Strength, and Balance Introduction: Welcome to the world of Pilates, where strength meets grace and well-being becomes a lifestyle. If you’re on a journey to transform your body and mind, Pilates could be the key to discovering a healthier, happier self. In this blog

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Why a PT?

Why a PT? Why would you hire someone for something that you can do yourself.. I will try to explain what my job entails.. And why I love being a personal trainer. Foremost, you can do it all by yourself if you find the right discipline and motivation, but are

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Our famous chicken wings recipe

Braai Chickenwings

Braai Chickenwings The sun is out and how better to enjoy than with chicken wings from the grill.  Add some grilled veggies and you have a healthy, wholesome meal.  Our family receipt for bio-chicken wings, our kids love them..  They are super easy to make:  – Free range – Bio

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Was hilft wieder gesund zu werden

Are you sick?

Are you sick? Do you have the flu? Do you have a cold or even worst a stomach bug?  Are you like me, fighting your own body because you don’t have time to be sick? Especially now before the Christmas coming, many things to do and finish? Does that ring a

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Let’s talk period!

In this discussion, we explore the impact of the menstrual cycle on women’s athletic performance and how understanding hormonal fluctuations can optimize training. The menstrual cycle, governed by hormones like progesterone and estrogen, affects the body’s ability to perform, with periods of increased difficulty during certain phases. Personal experiences of

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Healthy lifestyle ideas

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